Top 6 Magic Foods for a Sharp and Healthy Brain

Top 6 Magic Foods for a Sharp and Healthy Brain

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It’s true: we can’t reverse brain changes as we get older. But research about how ageing affects the brain has provided new solutions to improve memory, boost mood, protect against dementia and stroke as well as slow cognitive decline in general. And it’s all down to the food we eat. Here we take a look at some of the top 6 foods for a sharp and healthy brain.
Table of Contents

Our brain has about 100 billion neurons and this is constantly decreasing as we get older, as not all parts of the brain continue to create neurons. Through the process of neurogenesis, the hippocampus, an important part of the brain, keeps replacing our old neurons, which affects our memory and cognitive response. Research data shows that it’s possible to influence the neurogenesis process through positive changes in lifestyle in addition to a focused diet.

Foods can fight the age-related decline in cognitive powers and minimise the effects of the natural loss of white and grey matter that play important roles in motor and mental processes. It can also assist the hypothalamus to control the production of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin that can influence the sleep cycle which is crucial for the long-term health of the brain and it’s closely related to the rise of dementia.

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Foods to Avoid

It’s known that Alzheimer’s disease and dementia have similar risk factors to heart disease, so a heart-friendly diet is also a brain-friendly one. This means limiting the consumption of trans and saturated fats and processed foods, as well as a high salt and sugar intake.

processed foods
Trans and saturated fats and processed foods with a high salt and sugar content.

Foods for a Sharp and Healthy Brain

Everything we eat reaches the brain via our bloodstream enabling it to function. Here are some foods that provide key brain-healthy nutrients.


Berries are rich in anthocyanin, which studies have found to improve memory and verbal learning. Eating two servings of berries a week can also slow down age-related cognitive decline. Anthocyanin is the pigment responsible for its beautiful dark blue/purple colour.


Curry powder

Research studies found that adults from 60 to 93 years old who ate curry at least once a month performed the best in cognitive tests. It’s widely known the potential benefits that turmeric provides against dementia, but studies have confirmed that combining the chemical curcumin with chilli, pepper, ginger and coriander may offer even more brain function improvements.

Curry Powder


Eggs are a rich source of both choline and proteins, which are vital for the production of one of the brain’s neurotransmitters, acetylcholine and also stimulate brain cells that help us stay awake and alert.



Omega-3 fats are vital for brain function. One of them, called DHA, is found naturally in fish, not only the oily ones, such as salmon and mackerel but also in white fish and shellfish. For optimal results, one should aim to eat 1-2 servings of fish or shellfish per week.

Fatty Fish

Leafy Greens

Spinach, brussels sprouts, and kale are rich in folate, which is a vital B vitamin not only for brain function but also for emotional well-being. A study found that regular consumption of folate reduced brain shrinkage in adults at risk of dementia.

Leafy Greens

Tea and Coffee

A higher intake of caffeine was found to lower the risk of dementia in women. Daily caffeine intakes of two mugs of coffee or three mugs of tea have lessened 26% of their cognitive decline by over four years in comparison to those who consumed lower amounts.

Tea and Coffee

Final Thoughts

Although we’re not yet capable to avoid the ageing process, the same cannot be said about delaying this process by improving our lifestyle and making better dietary choices to stretch our health and well-being for as long as it’s possible – start the journey now!

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