10 Natural Ways to Break a Fever Without Medicine

10 Natural Ways to Break a Fever Without Medicine

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Fever is a condition when the body temperature rises as a response to some illness, infection, or disease. Fever is a defence mechanism that indicates your immune system is fighting viruses or bacteria. In this post, I will show you natural ways to break a fever without medicine.

Table of Contents

Normal body temperature is between 97 and 99 F / 36 to 37 C.

A mild increase in temperature does not require special treatment, but if it reaches 102 or higher / 39 C or higher, one should consider seeking medical help, as it’s extremely dangerous and can cause convulsions, seizures and even death. 

In addition to a high temperature, fever may be followed by chills, sweating, headache, mild muscle aches, a general feeling of weakness, and dehydration.

More severe cases of fever can also include hallucinations, nausea, sensitivity to light and pain in the abdomen.

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Causes of Fever

There are many causes of fever. Any type of infection, disorder, or disease can cause a fever.

Fever can be a side effect of certain medications too.

Body temperature may also rise after exposure to stress or may be a consequence of intoxication.

Children may have a fever during teething or after receiving immunisation shots.

In most cases, fever is an immune response in which our bodies raise their temperature to get rid of the harmful bacteria causing the disorder.

This means that by taking over-the-counter medicine to reduce the fever, we are actually disturbing our bodies’ natural defences and avoiding a natural solution to the problem.

Children with fever
Children may have a fever during teething or after receiving immunisation shots.

Instead of interfering in our bodies’ natural processes and acting to stop the fever, we must only seek out to relieve the discomfort caused by it.

Home Treatment to Break a Fever Without Medicine

  • Get some rest: it is very important to rest whilst you have a fever. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day and should not go to work or do strenuous activities. 
Get some rest
Don’t feel guilty for staying in bed!
  • Take a bath: you can also take a cold bath or shower with cold water. This will help you lower the temperature and provide further relaxation. 
Take a bath
Tepid water will work better for babies than cold water
  • Apply cold compresses: you can also apply cold compresses to the body. Put the compresses in the freezer for a few minutes and use them on the lymphatic points: neck, armpits, belly, groin and behind the knees.
Apply cold compresses
Cold compresses can be bought or made with a simple piece of cloth
  • Don’t eat: you should not eat solid food while you have a fever, as your body will require more energy to digest them. Opt for soups, juices and yoghurts that will provide you with the necessary nutrients and are easier on the stomach.
don't eat
Soups are great and comforting for when the fever hits

Don’t smoke: if you are a smoker, try to avoid cigarettes whilst you are sick for obvious reasons. 

Avoid alcohol: you should also avoid alcohol because it can increase dehydration and weaken your immune system, reducing its effective response.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco must be avoided at all costs if you have a fever

Natural Medicine for Fever

The simplest natural remedy for fever is water.

Drink plenty of cold water to compensate for fluid loss and to help your body cool down.

In addition to water, you may drink fresh unsweetened fruit juice, especially grapefruit juice, or eat chicken soup. 

drink water
Water will compensate for all the fluid loss and will keep you hydrated

It is also recommended to drink herbal tea such as saffron tea, tulsi leaf tea, and fenugreek seed tea.

You can add some cinnamon or ginger powder to it to increase its benefits. 

drink herbal teas
Herbal teas besides comforting will also provide medicinal benefits to help manage the fever

Garlic is an excellent remedy for many disorders and will help you fight infections, which are the root of any fever. 

Another natural remedy to reduce fever is to soak your socks in vinegar, put them on, and then warm up and go to bed.

vinegar socks
‘Vinegar socks’ are a traditional Alpine remedy. Just soak a pair of woolly socks in 500ml water and 2 tbsp of vinegar. Wear the socks and about 45 minutes later, the fever will be gone.

Final Thoughts

Our bodies were built up with an amazing self-defence system: most of the time all we need to do is let it do its own magic.

In cases when the immune system is compromised, over-the-counter medicine may be necessary, but it shouldn’t be taken aimlessly as the indiscriminate use of drugs is accelerating and developing resistance to these same drugs, causing more harm than good.

A certified herbalist and/or health practitioner will always be able to advise the best course of action for specific cases and should always be consulted before undertaking any treatment.

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When should I seek medical help for a fever?

You should seek medical help if your fever reaches 102°F (39°C) or higher, as it can be dangerous and cause serious complications such as convulsions, seizures, and even death.

Why should I avoid taking over-the-counter medicine to reduce a fever?

Over-the-counter medicine can interfere with the body’s natural defences by reducing the fever, which is a natural immune response to fight off harmful bacteria.

What natural methods can help break a fever?

Natural methods to break a fever include resting, taking a cold bath or shower, applying cold compresses, avoiding solid food, not smoking, and avoiding alcohol.

How does rest help in reducing a fever?

Rest is crucial because it allows your body to focus its energy on fighting the infection rather than on other activities. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep a day and avoid strenuous activities.

Why should I avoid solid food when I have a fever?

Avoiding solid food helps because digestion requires energy, which can be better utilised by the body to fight the fever. Opt for soups, juices, and yoghurts that are easier to digest and provide necessary nutrients.

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