Flower Remedies: for a Fatigued & Apathetic Life

Flower Remedies: for a Fatigued & Apathetic Life

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In the next paragraphs we’ll see some types of behaviour related to the fatigue of living: daydreaming, experiencing nostalgia, being apathetic and resigned, feeling exhausted and overburdened by commitments, being mentally stressed, feeling sad without knowing why, repeating the same mistakes.
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CLEMATIS: For The Daydreamers

The Clematis type always gives the impression of living in the clouds, of never being fully awake, of being there by chance.

They hate the little daily chores: writing a check, filing a tax return, paying the bills. They are hypersensitive to all the little shocks that shake them from their world: the car horn that warns them of the green light, the ringing of the phone, the request to participate in the condominium assembly.

Imaginative and creative, they prefer to live in their imaginary world, with the risk of not being able to implement their projects. When their dreams do not come true, they risk becoming inconclusive: they do not even doubt that the fact of transforming them into reality may partly depend on them.


How the Remedy Works

Clematis helps to have a relationship with reality, to also take an interest in the practical aspects of life, avoiding escaping into the world of dreams. The remedy teaches us to be more concrete, without giving up our ideals. Often the Clematis type succeeds in journalism, design, art, entertainment or in any activities that allow them to bring their creativity to light.

HONEYSUCKLE: Living in Nostalgia

The Honeysuckle type lives trapped in the past. Sometimes it is a passing phase, caused by the end of a relationship or the difficulty of entering a new situation, but sometimes it is a habitual attitude of those who regret the past years or the loss of a love that no one else can substitute.

Honeysuckle refuses to change: they are convinced that only by inhabiting their past will they be able to escape the present, made up exclusively of disappointments and regrets. Not always in reference to the past they have lived with nostalgia: at times they bring a load of disappointments, of missed opportunities, of bitter defeats, or they become a source of cynicism and distrust.

Those who have had many negative experiences are convinced that the future will be even worse.


How the Remedy Works

Honeysuckle helps us to live in the present, remembering the past, but with an eye to the future. It facilitates detachment from painful memories that block initiatives and teaches us to put our experiences to good use to live with greater fullness.

It can also be given to children who suffer from homesickness when they are away from family.

WILD ROSE: For Apathy and Resignation

The Wild Rose type is neither desperate nor depressed. They are unhappy with the life they lead: in the past they have known better times, and deep down, they hope they will return. However, the predominant note is resignation, boredom, lack of energy. Sometimes this is a passing state after an intense period of creative activity, but it can also be a dominant character trait. Apathy feeds on itself. The more you close off, the less chance you have of seeing a way out and nurturing hopes for the future.

Wild Rose

How the Remedy Works

Only a strong shock can get a person out of the state of apathy in which they find themselves. Wild Rose provides the boost needed to regain inner energies. However, it is necessary to take the remedy for the time it takes to break down the defence wall that has been built to support one’s abulia. The changes are slow, almost imperceptible, but slowly the will to live returns.

OLIVE: For a Feeling of Exhaustion & Overburdened by Commitments

If we are an Olive type, the mere thought of having to do something that requires physical exertion causes us to fatigue. If we could, we would hibernate like bears. Typically, this situation lasts for a rather short period: it can be caused by overwork, poor sleep, poor diet or even emotional stress. It is typical of new mothers or of those who dedicate all their energy to the care of a sick person, but also of those who want to try to succeed in a business without having to resort to the help of others. When in their prime, the Olive type is a great friend, lover or parent. Always present and available, you can count on them in case of need. They have the gift of being able to understand others and being efficient and discreet.


How the Remedy Works

Olive returns the necessary energy and strength. It teaches us to be more attentive to our physical and emotional needs. It renews, revitalises and restores the confidence to be able to overcome obstacles. It is particularly indicated in case of serious diseases, to strengthen the immune system.

WHITE CHESTNUT: For the Mentally Stressed

When we are in a White Chestnut state, we are always obsessed with the same thoughts, which pursue us and torment us even in our sleep. We suffer from frequent headaches, the muscles of the face are tense, the jaws are contracted. At night, instead of sleeping, we are assailed by worries.

We spin around in circles and, instead of calmly looking for a solution, we keep wondering why we have slipped into a dead end. Often we don’t even look for a solution because, after all, we think we don’t have the energy to get out of it.

White Chestnut
White Chestnut

How the Remedy Works

White Chestnut helps us to control our thoughts rather than being dominated by them. We learn to enter a state of calmness and focus our attention on possible solutions to a given problem.

The remedy also helps those who practice meditation, because it serves to free the mind from extraneous thoughts. It is also recommended for those who are preparing for an important meeting.

MUSTARD: For Those Feeling Deeply Sad Without Knowing Why

“Mustard is the remedy for people prone to periods of melancholy,” writes Bach. “It is as if a cold and dark cloud were enveloping them and taking away their light and the joy of living. It is not possible to give an explanation for these crises, nor to attribute a cause to these attacks ”.

The person actually has no reason to be sad; if they think about it, they can list all the reasons why they should be happy, yet they cannot shake off this cloak of despair, of the continuous melancholy that afflicts them. They always feel inconsolable, and unable to control their moods, with a perennial lump in their throat which, however, never manages to dissolve in a liberating cry.


How the Remedy Works

According to Bach, Mustard, a beautiful flower with an intense yellow colour, “drives away sadness and brings back the joy of living”, putting us back in touch with our soul. This is an expression that has a very precise meaning among the Hopi Indians of Central America. When they realise they are too tense or have walked too fast, they stop and do absolutely nothing, even for a whole day, “to wait for the souls to join us”.

Mustard is also useful in cases of light and recurrent depressions, or when we feel that we are living a grey life and are always inexplicably tired.

CHESTNUT BUD: For a Tendency to Repeating the Same Mistakes

Chestnut Bud is the typical remedy for those who do not know how to put their experiences to good use, learning from their mistakes, and therefore are led to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. They change jobs and then find themselves in an office with the same characteristics as the previous one. They leave their partner because they are too authoritarian and end up falling in love with a tyrant.

Bach writes: “The Chestnut Bud type leaves the past behind too quickly. They don’t take their mistakes seriously and for this reason they are destined to repeat them ”.

They often live superficially, moving from one situation to another without thinking twice just to escape something that doesn’t suit them. From defeat to defeat, they then develop the conviction that it is fate that is raging against them, as if they are haunted by an inexorable doom.

In reality, the Chestnut Bud types run away from themselves: they erase the past to start over each time from scratch. But sometimes they pay a very bitter price.

Chestnut Bud
Chestnut Bud

How the Remedy Works

Chestnut Bud helps to stop repeating the vicious cycle. It offers the possibility to learn from experiences and to understand their meaning. We become more attentive in everything we do, we learn to reflect, not to throw ourselves headlong into any experience in order to get away from ourselves.

Check Out These Other Flower Remedies:

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