Flower Remedies: for Hypersensitivity & Extreme Feelings

Flower Remedies: for Hypersensitivity & Extreme Feelings

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The following paragraphs will show various attitudes related to hypersensitivity and the best flower remedies to treat them: jealousy, envy and revenge, the anxiety of change, availability transformed into submission and the “false” joy.
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HOLLY:  Jealousy, Envy and Revenge

The Holly type has a poisoned soul. They think that others want to deceive them, they are extremely touchy. They often feel discontented and unhappy without knowing why. But the reason is simple. The root of their unhappiness lies within: they cannot love themselves.

If we consider ourselves full of defects and we think we do not deserve the love of our neighbour, we inevitably tend to believe that others are not worthy of attention. One becomes extremely suspicious and sees enemies everywhere: the boss prefers colleagues, the partner lies, fortunes always happen to others.

The Holly types manifest their discomfort with feelings of envy and jealousy. In extreme cases, if they can’t get what they want, they express themselves with hatred and revenge.


How the Remedy Works

All of us, to some extent, need the healing energy that is released from the Holly remedy. As Bach writes: “Holly opens our hearts and protects us from any feeling other than that of universal love”.

Holly defends against destructive feelings, developing the positive aspects of the personality: first of all, it promotes love and esteem for oneself, helping to accept oneself for who one is, without feeling obliged to constantly measure oneself with others.

WALNUT: The Anxiety of Change

Recommended for anyone going through a change, Walnut is one of the most widely used Bach’s flower remedies. Being faced with new and unknown situations is always on the agenda nowadays. Compared to our grandparents, in fact, we are much more likely to change partners, jobs, cities and even opinions and beliefs. This does not mean that it is difficult to change: it is natural to hesitate, to be afraid of the unknown, to feel anxious.


How the Remedy Works

Walnut is indicated for every moment of transition: birth, teething, puberty, marriage, pregnancy, menopause, retirement. It helps to break ties with the past, to continue with confidence and without too much suffering, relieving the emotional and physical stress that any change entails.

CENTAURY: Availability Transformed Into Submission

The Centaury type is kind, easy-going, and is easily manipulated by those stronger than them. They have what is called the “mat syndrome”, typical of those who cannot deny favours. They are attracted to people who tend to give orders, even knowing that they take advantage of their kindness. They hate making decisions, but the price to pay is the lack of autonomy.


How the Remedy Works

Centaury helps to create a space independent of the wishes and impositions of others. While remaining available, it helps us to become more autonomous. The remedy helps to develop the ability to say no, leading to the awareness that this way, rather than being rejected, is often valued, precisely because more authentic relationships are established with others.

AGRIMONY: The “False” Joy

The Agrimony type tends to hide problems behind an image of light-heartedness and happiness. The character is typical of the sad clown: they suffer, but still keep the party alive. And the very people around them are the last to notice their pain. Full of interest, they like to go to parties and surround themselves with people so as not to be overwhelmed by thoughts, but they rarely talk to others about their problems and express their feelings about them.

They avoid arguments and hate direct confrontation, to the point that they often fail to recognize and express what they feel.

The Agrimony type is never a superficial person, they simply fear to upset or annoy others with their sadness. Sometimes they can also resort to the use of alcohol or drugs to be able to keep their mask of apparent happiness intact.


How the Remedy Works

Agrimony helps to realise that facing problems and difficulties is easier than ignoring them. As they come into contact with their inner world, they are able to find in themselves the harmony that they previously sought externally.

They will continue to be of company and to be nice as before, but they will be even more appreciated for their sensitivity and the ability to deal with problems with a light and positive soul.

Check Out These Other Flower Remedies:

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