Flower Remedies: for Individualism & a Tendency to Self-Centeredness

Flower Remedies: for Individualism & a Tendency to Self-Centeredness

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In this post we’ll learn about the three different aspects of individualism and the best flower remedies to treat each one of them: proud loneliness, intolerance towards others, fear of loneliness.
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WATER VIOLET: The Proud Loneliness

The Water Violet type is often admired for their personality, which is dominated by calm. They are autonomous, capable and self-confident. “Their tranquillity is a blessing for those close to them,” writes Bach.

But, difficult to approach, they often reject those who try to do so and can appear aloof and proud. Their main characteristic is that they don’t like to be emotionally involved in relationships with others. Those who seek their advice often feel rejected. After all, they too, when they have a problem, prefer to be left alone. They don’t want interference. They forget, however, that having relationships with others and building something together is one of the aspects that make life richer, fuller and more joyful.

Water Violet
Water Violet

How the Remedy Works

The remedy “thaws” the personality of the Water Violet type, leading them to establish a relationship with the world and making them more open and available. In this way they learn that others also have something to give them: they become inclined to find the good points and broaden their perspectives. If out of pride they remain isolated, the remedy helps them to communicate better with others.

IMPATIENS: Intolerance Towards Others

The Impatiens type understands on the fly and learns quickly, does not tolerate slowness and indecision and hates wasting time giving explanations to those who are slow to understand: they prefer to do it alone, rather than wait for others to take their time.

If they are forced to slow down their pace, they become nervous and irritated. The worst that can happen to them is being forced to be immobilised in bed.

They have a stormy temper. It is like a summer storm: it suddenly bursts, sends lightning and lightning bolts and then returns to calm. They offend and insult, but immediately afterwards they completely forget the incident and do not even realise that the other person can still hold a grudge.


How the Remedy Works

Impatiens helps to harmonise one’s rhythm with that of others, to be less tense and irritable and, consequently, not to remain isolated from the group. If you are prone to headaches due to constant tension, Impatiens helps you relax and let go.

HEATHER: Fear of Loneliness

Those who need Heather have a thirst for attention and affection never satisfied. They hate being alone, they must always have someone around and they also feel the irresistible urge to talk to others to fill the emptiness they feel inside.

They are often in search of an audience, in front of which they can magnify a company or complain about their misfortunes but, by always wanting to be the centre of attention, they risk losing the interlocutor, remaining by themselves again. They try to find someone who makes them feel like a protagonist as they only know how to talk about themselves. For this reason, few people have the courage to recognise themselves in the characteristics described here, making Heather’s prescription not easy to accept.

One may also need Heather to correct a passing situation when, in moments of crisis or particular difficulty, one may feel the need to talk about themselves to others.


How the Remedy Works

The remedy helps us to consider our own problems in a more general context, taking into account the point of view of others. Having experienced on ourselves the need to let off steam, the Heather type becomes a great listener, compassionate and understanding. They then begin to be sought after for this ability, instead of being dismissed for their self-centeredness.

Check Out These Other Flower Remedies:

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