8 Essential Oils for a Great Night Sleep

8 Essential Oils for a Great Night Sleep

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Aromatherapy can be a fantastic way to help you wind down at night. In this post, you will learn the best essential oils to use to induce, and improve your sleep and give you the energy boost you need in the mornings.
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Using essential oils to induce and have a night of better sleep, when added to your night-time routine, can be an easy way to improve the quality of your sleep if you are having trouble falling asleep or are waking up too often at night. 

By working with the natural chemicals your body produces throughout the day, you can have better sleep and wake up refreshed in the morning, feeling more ready to take on the day ahead of you. Here’s how it works.

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How Essential Oils Work

The science behind essential oils’ ability to affect our mind and body is still being explored, but researchers have a few theories. 

The fragrant molecules in essential oils interact with our olfactory receptors, which affects brain chemistry. Aromatherapy might also alter hormone levels or blood pressure, making us feel more relaxed or sleepier. 

There is enough evidence to recommend essential oils as a sleep aid over other treatments (such as medication), as many people have reported that certain scents do help them to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. 

If you want to try using essential oils as a sleep aid, start by diffusing them (instead of applying them directly) so you don’t get too much exposure at once—especially if you’re new to aromatherapy!

Essential oils don’t dissolve in water, so they can’t be applied straight onto your skin—you need to mix them with an oil-based carrier, like coconut or almond oil. 

Lavender Oil to Induce Sleep

Lavender oil helps to relieve stress, fatigue, depression, headaches, and sore muscles. A lavender essential oil can also be used to treat insomnia by inducing relaxation. 

Use the pure lavender essential oil or blend it with other oils such as mandarin, clary sage, or ylang for the best results. Massage 1–2 drops of your chosen oil onto the skin before bedtime.

Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil

Stress can interfere with normal sleep patterns, so use lavender essential oil to help you get back on track. 

Many people find that they’re able to fall asleep more quickly after using lavender essential oil. It also reduces daytime fatigue, depression, headaches, and sore muscles. That’s because it helps to relieve tension.

Rosemary Oil to Improve Focus

A 2005 study in the Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology found that rosemary essential oil promoted relaxation, resulting in better sleep. This essential oil contains cineole, which affects areas of your brain that control attention and alertness. 

Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil

Its effects on inducing sleep are similar to chamomile oil. However, it is important to note that rosemary oil should not be used as a sedative before driving or operating heavy machinery. 

It may also cause drowsiness. To avoid dangerous side effects, use only therapeutic-grade rosemary oil from a reputable manufacturer; do not take more than four drops at once or mix with other substances.

Valerian Oil to Reduce Anxiety

Valerian is one of those aromatic oils that I find to be very relaxing. Not only does it smell great, but it’s also been shown to help reduce anxiety levels. 

There are two forms of valerian essential oil that you can use: It can be either highly concentrated or diluted. 

Valerian Essential Oil
Valerian Essential Oil

To induce sleep, apply a drop or two of diluted valerian essential oil onto your neck and let it absorb before going to bed. For maximum benefits, use night-time applications at least 2-3 times per week.

Peppermint Oil to Ease Pain

You can diffuse peppermint essential oil before bed to help you fall asleep faster. Peppermint also relaxes tense muscles, which is good news if you tend to get headaches when your neck is strained or if you have a sore back from hours of sitting in front of your computer. 

Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil

It’s important to note that peppermint does stimulate brain activity at high doses, so don’t use it too much before bedtime. 

Start by diffusing two drops of peppermint oil per gallon of water in an ultrasonic diffuser. If you want to make an easy herbal tea, use one drop of peppermint per cup of water. 

However, much you ingest should be about right for nighttime use without making it difficult to sleep afterwards.

Bergamot Oil to Improve Your Morning Mood

If you’re used to being in a bad mood first thing in the morning, bergamot essential oil could be your secret weapon. 

Put 3 drops on your pillow about 5 minutes before you go to bed at night. The smell of bergamot oil can help put you in an optimistic mood by making you think more clearly. 

Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot oil also has calming effects that can aid those who have difficulty falling asleep at night or wake up frequently during sleep cycles. 

By improving moods, increasing blood flow, and promoting relaxation, bergamot essential oil helps create better sleep environments. 

You may find that other benefits come along with improved sleeping patterns as well!

Clary Sage Oil to Unwind

Clary sage is used to promote relaxation, so if you’re stressed or find it hard to unwind at night, add a few drops of clary sage essential oil to your diffuser or bath. 

Clary Sage Essential Oil
Clary Sage Essential Oil

You can also mix it with other relaxing oils like lavender or sweet orange. If you prefer using massage oils, then go with 1⁄4 ounce of pure clary sage essential oil combined with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil like grapeseed oil or olive oil. 

Marjoram Oil to Eliminate Restlessness

Many people use lavender essential oil to induce sleep because of its calming effects on both body and mind. 

But marjoram essential oil can be an even better option because it also has relaxing properties that are gentle enough for night-time usage, but robust enough to have noticeable effects. 

Marjoram Essential Oil
Marjoram Essential Oil

Studies show that marjoram essential oil helps help patients who suffer from insomnia. Some people find that it helps reduce or eliminate instances of night-time agitation or restlessness as well when they’re used in combination with other herbs such as valerian root or hops.

Petitgrain Oil to Balance Your Nervous System

Petitgrain is great if you have trouble falling asleep because it helps to balance your nervous system. Petitgrain oil should be mixed with a carrier oil before application because it may irritate your skin otherwise. 

Petitgrain Essential Oil
Petitgrain Essential Oil

Mix 2 drops of petitgrain essential oil with 1 teaspoon of your chosen carrier oil in a glass dropper bottle. 

Swirl gently to ensure even mixing, then place one drop on each side of your neck at night before bed.

Final Thoughts

If you have trouble sleeping or could do with some improvements in your sleep quality, essential oils can represent an awesome alternative to sleeping pills that can have many undesirable side effects and harmful long-term consequences to your health. Essential oils are natural and efficient when properly used, and the best thing is that you can always find a scent you like to suit your needs – give it a go!

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